Western Astrology and Vedic Astrology
There are many differences between Western Astrology and Vedic Astrology. Here are a few:
1. The Zodiac. Vedic astrology uses what is called the Sidereal Zodiac. Western
astrology uses what's called the tropical zodiac. It is called the tropical zodiac
because the first degree of the zodiac starts with the first day of spring. For the
first day of Aries is the first day of spring. This does not correspond to the stars in
the sky. The first day of spring actually corresponds to the stars of Pisces due to
what's called the "Equinoctial precession". Due to a slight variation in the Earth's
for a rotation a slight tilt changes our vantage point a relative to the distant stars
a buy one degree approximately every 70 years. Since Western astrologers started using
this system of astrology, that point has drifted to a full 23°. So the Western zodiac
does not correspond with the stars in the sky. This is not matter because Western
astrology does not use the stars in reading a Chart.
Vedic astrology uses the distant stars in
the chart. These magnificent
bodies of light a refer to our transcendent,
cosmic nature rather than our earthbound
one. This also refers to a the major difference
between a Vedic and Western astrology, the
concept of reincarnation or the souls journey
through infinite lifetimes, every evolving
toward perfection and God realization. This
deeper evolving consciousness is more reflected
in the stars as they also a refer to the
ancient Vedic gods whose energy resides
in their portion of Sky. Stars are these
relatives of our Sun, our mighty and miraculous
Star that is responsible for all life on
this Earth and in the solar system. Along
with a the major visible planets in our
solar system, Vedic astrology uses 27 distinct
stellar archetypes - called Nakshatras,
these are the stars that refer to our transcendent
3. Vedic astrology uses dasa periods. The dasa periods show specifically which karma's
will be unfolding at which time and life. They are incredibly accurate in predicting
not only what will happen in the persons life but how they will be feeling while it's
happening. Major cycles of up to 20 years are also broken down into sub periods as short
as one day. Advising clients do a becomes easy, especially when you are able to see
when major planetary shifts are going to occur.
4. Vedic Astrology does not use outer Planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto or asteroids. The dynamics of Vedic thinking are based on planetary archetypes and their energies. Given that the outer planets are not visible as bodies of light their influences are more psychological and internal. There are many a vedic astrologers who use them in chart
interpretations as well, but just as many classical Western astrologers are leery of
making concrete results based on outer planets, so are a Vedic astrologers. It is the
planets of visible light that give our karma's through the mental impressions
(samsaras) created, as planetary transits intersect with our inner environment as shown
through the birth chart. The agency of this dynamic are the Chakras. The external
planets and their energies are what energizes our inner environment through the
Chakras, giving rise to the mental impressions that compel us to act through form and
thus experience our karma.
5. Vedic Astrology uses the fully developed qualities of the Nodes. The nodes are the
eclipse points as such they are not bodies of light as the other planets, rather they
are the subconscious forces of worldly desire and other worldly desire - attachment and
detachment - the inner child and the disapproving parent within. Rahu (the North node)
shows our strong worldly attachments and the things we are developing in this lifetime.
In order to develop those things we may become obsessed over them, hypnotized by
experience and worldly desire, eventually to learn detachment through exhausting the
worldly forms of what he associates with. Ketu exists at the opposite and of the
spectrum, disinterested in worldly experience, wanting to hide, unsatisfied and
critical - disappointed in all he sees. As Ketu is divine discontent. No matter how
much sex, drugs and rock-and-roll we have, there's always more and part of us can sense
the futility in even trying to satisfy our worldly desires. This is Ketu. As Rahu
obsesses a Ketu doubts, the push and pull of rahu and Ketu is how we evolve and
6. Vedic Astrology uses many harmonic charts as part of the reading. These harmonic charts focus on specific areas of life. When looking into relationship karma, the 9th divisional chart is used, career karma the 10th chart. These harmonic charts give an
incredible level of accuracy to the reading. Also a rectifying the birth Time becomes
quite easy once you learn how to read these harmonic charts.
7. The origin of the two systems is Indian, not Western. It would make no sense that
the thousands of techniques of Vedic astrology would have somehow appear to after the
Aryan invasion as a used to be the belief. In fact, we can clearly see when Westerners
started using Indian astrology based on the precession, at this point it was roughly a
couple thousand years ago. The theory used to be that when Alexander the Great
conquered India and Persia, knowledge from the West flowed into that area. This is
called the Aryan invasion theory. However there is no record of astrology in Greece
before Ptolemy for instance, there were no elaborate occult systems in place before
these invasions. All of the details of planets, signs, houses as well as a infinite and
myriad techniques of Vedic astrology existed long before India was plundered. Even just
a cursory examination of Indian astrology reveals this fact. After the invasion as
Westerners began using astrology there was more sharing. However much was also excluded in the West. Most of the subtlety and complexity was left out.
8. Vedic Astrology is part of a larger holistic healing system. Vedic Astrology uses
the same healing remedies as Ayurveda (the medical system of India), yoga, and is
connected from the same energetic factors to each of these important holistic systems.
Mantras, gems, herbs, yoga postures are all prescribed by the Vedic astrologer based on
your karma. The same archetypes underpin these sciences and provide a coherent path to
wellness. Astrology also shares a common reference to the spirituality of India and
Hinduism - so those who are uplifted by yogic principles, meditation and deities such
as lords Shiva or Krishna will find a home in Vedic interpretations. It is for this
reason that Vedic astrology is very revered in India, as medical doctors are also
astrologers or consult with them regularly. Priests, doctors, commoners all know that
astrology is very useful and helpful, posting your mundane, everyday life and long-term
spiritual life. Of course this is not the case in the West. If you're medical doctor or
priest or psychologists knew you were consulting an astrologer for life decisions, they
would probably be unimpressed. Thus in the West there is no healing paradigm integral
to the practice. This is not to say Western astrologers cannot offer healing to their
clients. But holistic healing comes from the outside through forms such as Reiki, or
Yoga or other outside, non native means. Many Western astrologers offer no remedies,
something unthinkable in Vedic astrology. Or they offer mantras visualizations
meditation, same as the Vedic astrologer, but without the rounding in understanding
that comes from having studied its holistic implications as a Vedic science.
These are a few of the main differences between Western astrology and Vedic astrology.