Dasa Systems - Dasa
Periods and the Cycles of Unfolding Karma
There are many dasa systems in Vedic Astrology that allow us to foresee the karmic events as they unfold here on Earth. The most prominent is the Vimshottari dasa system. It is a system that uses a 120 year cycle where each planet rules a certain number of years, which is also broken down into sub periods from there. The sub periods (called bhuktis) are in the same order and divided relative to the dasa length below. For instance Ketu dasa starts with Ketu / Ketu, then Ketu / Venus, then Ketu / Sun, etc. Very accurate results are possible using this dasa system to predict what karmas will unfold at what time.
The planetary dasas in the Vimshottari dasa system unfold in this order.
- Ketu 7 years
- Venus 20 years
- Sun 6 years
- Moon 10 years
- Mars 7 years
- Rahu 18 years
- Jupiter 16 years
- Saturn 19 years
- Mercury 17 years
There is much speculation about why they are in this order. I have heard many theories and I like them all. There is a strange harmony to this dasa order that seems to work. It is relevant to view the dasa system as a microcosm of the human life.
The dasa system starts with Ketu, as it is the planet where we are closest to God, where the soul is not yet rooted in the body as we often observe in very young children. Ketu is the dasa where we become aware of all that we do not need. Just as the infant only needs breath and minimal sustenance, beyond that he is more essence than substance. Relative human age 0-1 years
Venus dasa is when this baby is nurtured and cared for by Venus, the nurturer. Venus is the dasa that feeds the fat baby. Hers is the longest dasa as on Earth as we come here to learn to care for each other, in a body first. So this body needs care and courtesy while it is learning. This is the most important time in our lives, when our mind and perceptions about the world are forming. Relative human age 1 -3 years
Sun dasa shows the emergence of our individual identity, ready to shine from his light, no longer feeling the need to be supported by others. This necessary ego-centricity allows a healthy sense of self to emerge, a healthy ego is one where we feel positively empowered, not allowing others to run over our boundaries or us to over run theirs. Relative human age 4-12 years
Moon dasa is the need to connect this individual experience with others in a meaningful way. It is no longer enough to just feel ourselves shine; we must learn to see ourselves as a reflection through the eyes and experiences of others and reflected back to us in society. We become sensitive like the awkward teenager in the Moon dasa. Relative human age 13 - 19 years
Mars dasa is when we learn to compete with others in the world and learn to make allies instead of enemies out of our competitors; through courage and disciplined action we test our principles in a world of consequence through the gregarious and raucous energy of Mars. Relative human age 20 - 27 years
Rahu shows our worldly life and our material existence. With the exuberance of youth behind us we are in the world, enmeshed in Maya and accumulation. Marriage, Children, career, and all the trappings of adult worldly life and its ability to veil our higher intelligence is the soul in Rahu dasa. Relative human age 28 - 40
Jupiter dasa is where we can reclaim our inherent wisdom after Rahu runs us crazy! It is a time when we feel our load has been lightened or at least we feel back in control of our mind. Jupiter comes to provide insight, maturity and life lessons, as he is also Guru, teacher, so we can share some of our wisdom with others. Relative human age 40-55
Saturn dasa is when we will become aware of our limitations and learn to be practical about them. After the enthusiasm of Jupiter, Saturn will bring us back to Earth and make us face reality. Reality is not the optimism of Jupiter it is the cold hard facts of Saturn. Those facts are the death of our body and the temporal nature of all material life. Saturn will give us the time to work through our karma in isolation. Relative human age 55 - 65
Mercury dasa is when we can become like a child again, playful and non-judgmental, but through knowledge and clear thinking, not through ignorance. After the practical heaviness of Saturn our mind is clear and open and capable of discrimination, jnana yoga. Relative human age 65 - ?
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