
For Pisces (Meena) Ascendant or Lagna the Year 2006 indicates a normally good year.

Career, Incomes and Gains
Earnings had not been the problem for you. You may plan to earn income from more than one or two sources. If you have misused your debts and did over expenses during last years, this year gives you little mental tensions during first few months but later you will able to resolve all the matters. You very well understood that Money is a big tool to make more money. If you continuously start focusing on your profession and earning methods, you will able to make more and more money. You have a great desire that people will know you for your work and ideas. This period will sure give you such chances but you need to implement them in a very right way. Job seekers will have great chances to get job during the month of March and July 2006. Gains in investment and stocks/shares are also indicated in this year.

Family and Social Life
Love and social life seems the most active area in your life in this year. But few disturbances may occur when you give more importance to your professional life or get involved in extramarital affairs. Relationship with parents and other members of family will remain normal but you may have some conflicts with maternal uncle and aunt. Those thinking of entering in to wedlock should do so without any delay. This year will bring some good news for unmarried persons. Committed relationships had given few problems during last years but now everything is seen improved and perfectly fine.

Education and Traveling
Till September 2006, this year indicates success for students and scholars. Those studying out of the country and excepting scholarships this year should hear that their prayers have been answered as there are indications that they will get the grant/scholarship.

Health may remain disturbed during the months of January, July and September during the year 2006. Sexual organs and Feet need more care and strength. For married people, sexual activity must be kept in balance i.e. Not too much and Not too little. Love/Marital problems may be the cause of health problems for you. If you feel little disturbing or not feeling well, try to relax and take proper rest. Remaining and passing such time with your love/spouse proved beneficial for you and give you fast recovery. In this whole year, health of your children will remain good.

Year 2006 Horoscope