How many times have you been at a driving range and witnessed stall after stall filled with tired looking golfers endlessly pounding balls. Many golfers, in spite of of their proficiency level, are guilty of wasting their practice time. Most have chosen the large bucket and believe only of launching all those small pellets with the big stick.
Are you practicing without a purpose? Why? HAVE A SYSTEM FOR YOUR PRACTICE If you do not desire to get lessons, there is a wealth of knowledge accessible in books, magazines and on the Internet. The principal step in improving your golf is finding out more about the swing. Find some knowledge connected to a portion of your game you are battling with. You'll probably find numerous articles connected to any and every golf sin you could possibly commit. You need to understand what you need to do to improve, and what are the possible causes of your problem. Concentrate on what the causes and effects are.
There are likely to be multiple reasonable causes and solutions. NOT HITTING THE DRIVING RANGE YET Instead of running to hit that next large bucket, gather those golf tips you learned and apply them in front of a full-length mirror. This is peculiarly productive if you are working on your setup or stance. You can simply compare your body posture with those of the pros in the magazines.
Take your back swing in slow motion, stopping at different points to again compare your stance with the pro. This exercise is intended to help you picture and feel a good golf swing. GO FOR A SMALL BUCKET OF BALLS When you ultimately get to the range, your mind is no question filled with energy and excitement, as you get ready to apply your new thoughts. This is excellent. But, bear in mind that it is quality golf practice, not quantity, which counts.
Go with the small bucket and take your time. Relax between shots. Agree in your mind to believe about what you are striving for on or before each shot. Apply one thought about your swing before each practice shot. Too many thoughts will end in 'paralysis of analysis'. After each shot, reflect not just exclusively on the result, but how the swing felt.
Always ask yourself what you did right, not what you did wrong. MAINTAIN PATIENCE - YOU WILL SEE IMPROVEMENT Don't be impatient. This can only help enhance your game in the long run. Don't forget to remain focused on improving your weaknesses.
It makes little sense to expend 75% of your golf practice time working on your strong points. Know that betterment takes time! No person goes from a twenty-handicap down to a single-digit overnight. But, if you apply these tips, you'll be building your grasp of the sport as you practice.
PRACTICE WITH SOMEONE You can triple the effectiveness of your golf practice if you take a partner with you. You can share a large bucket and one stall. Taking turns, you should each take a few shots. Tell your companion what you are working on and ask him to recount how it looks. Observe one another from the side and behind to get different types of angles. Ask your partner to concentrate on different types of fundamentals of the swing: the grip, setup, plane, top of back swing, lower body position, shoulder turn, etc.
Carlie Edwards publishes articles & useful resources on Today's Issues & Topics. For info on Golf visit Golf Swing For a variety of topics & issues visit Health And Beauty Worx